中国开发网: 论坛: iCosta: 贴子 589327
s003hxy: Great Thanks for your team's effort
Dear iCosta Team,

I have to say that you guys made Iphone usable for a lot Chinese. I love the new 1.0.3 version. It looks just like an offical iPhone program now. Lovely to use, I have to say.

For me, I am a occational English SMS user, and frankly, without the AutoCorrection, typing English has been hard.(Thanks to my big hands and bad Vocabulary) I hope you guys can have a version where we can turn on and off the autocorrection by ourselves, and that would make things a lot easier for all of us.

Anyway, again, thanks for the great program! I am anxiously awaiting for the new version to come out!

Meanwhile, have a great Xmas and happy new year! Don't work TOO HARD!! ^_^



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